On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 9:18:53 PM CET, farid abdelnour wrote:
hey guys

here is our last proposal for the logo. thanks to all who helped out. we are finishing the website proposal.
direct link:

forum post:


Hello Farid,

Sorry it took so long to answer. We had an interesting exchange on the last Kdenlive café about your logo proposal and the website (1), and everyone agrees that the logo looks great.

We decided to ask the KDE VDG (visual Design Group) what they think about the logo in KDE's forum (2), to have their feedback, and it looks like they love it too.

My only concern was the scalability of the logo for an icon, but I saw on the forum that you are working on an icon version, so that's perfect.

Thanks for your work!

On the website topic, there were many comments / ideas, we will need to discuss it further, also find someone willing to implement the ideas and decide between keeping Drupal or switching to a static site generator..


Jean-Baptiste Mardelle

(1) https://notes.kde.org/public/kdenlive-cafe04
(2) https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=131757
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