I notice there's often a bit of activity on 
https://twitter.com/hashtag/kdenlive - people either showing off their work, 
or complaining that something doesn't work. It would be great to have an 
active kdenlive account to promote the nice work people are doing, retweet 
relevant info, update on development progress, link to blog posts, while also 
being able to guide complainers to the forum, let them know there's an update 
available, etc.

I'm very happy to do this, I'm on twitter quite a bit for OSCEdays and my own 
account anyway.
Two questions:
1) does anyone know who was running the account https://twitter.com/kdenlive 
no updates since 2011, it's not a good look for the project. If we know who 
ran it, we can ask them if we can take over the URL.

2) is it ok for me to represent kdenlive in a somewhat official capacity, or 
should it be non-official?
The difference would be:
Official: the user is called 'Kdenlive' and description would be something 
like "an intuitive and powerful Free Software video editor" If others want to 
join me in running the account, great! if not, we can just add a "tweets by 
@cameralibre" note to the description to makeĀ  it clear that it's not 
actually JBM.
This way people are likely to start conversations with the account, address 
complaints there directly, etc. (I see this as a positive, I can try to solve 
frustrations and direct people to the right place for more info/help)

Non-Official: the user is called something like 'Kdenlive Tips" or "Kdenlive 
The advantage here is that you avoid a situation like the current one, where 
an 'official' social media account is abandoned, making the project look bad, 
or worse, if the person running the account behaves badly and says things 
that do not represent the community. To solve the abandonment issue I can 
make sure that devs also have login details, and to solve the 
'misrepresenting the community' problem, I promise to be a mature adult and 
avoid saying anything stupid :)

let me know what you think!

----Sam Muirhead
Open Source / Video
kdenlive mailing list

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