Hi all,

Like we decided in last café, here are my proposal dates for Kdenlive's "bug squashing" day. I think the best would be to make it next week, since Kdenlive 16.12 will be prepared on the 8th, released on the 15th.

I can be available for the bug squasing next week on friday (2nd of december, between 9am-5pm) or sunday (4th of december, 2pm-10pm).

If you want to participate, you can add yourself to the date poll through this link: https://framadate.org/mPFytijmxF7W5G6c

and we can then decide on the best choice for the final date.

On tuesday, 29th of november, I will prepare updated versions of the AppImage and snap packages that can be used as a test ground for all participants to confirm if a bug is still there in current git.

Since we are a bit short in time, I think we need to make the announcement soon, so I will prepare a draft tonight. Let me know if you are ok or have comments / suggestions.


Jean-Baptiste Mardelle

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