2018-05-18 0:50 GMT-03:00 Sam Muirhead <s...@cameralibre.cc>:

> Hi everyone, long time no see :)

Hi Sam, indeed! Hope you are well.

> I read about Pixar's post-production exchange format, OpenTimelineIO, and
> instantly thought of Kdenlive:
> https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenTimelineIO
> I posted on the forum about it too: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopi
> c.php?f=265&t=152489
> It's new to me, but maybe not for others - has anyone looked into whether
> OTIO may be suitable exchange format for Kdenlive projects to
> export/import? Have you discussed it before?

Had seen other Pixar stuff used in Blender but never this. Will definitely
look into it. :)

> It might be something to think about for the post-refactor future, it
> would be wonderful to be able to exchange cuts with other editors, as well
> as different parts of the post-production pipeline - audio, animation, vfx
> etc.

At the sprint we discussed ways to integrate Kdenlive with other programs
and it is in the roadmap.[1] Do you know how adopted this is in the

[1] https://kdenlive.org/en/2018/05/kdenlive-paris-sprint-lgm-report/

Thanks for sharing
Cheers :D

> ----
> Sam Muirhead
> Open Source / Video
> http://cameralibre.cc

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