Hi all

2018-05-27 22:20 GMT-03:00 Paul Brown <paul.br...@kde.org>:

> On lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018 3:05:21 (CEST) Aleix Pol wrote:
> > Hey,
> > You guys maybe want to answer here:
> > https://www.reddit.com/r/opensource/comments/8m2hrd/
> kde_set_goals_we_are_her
> > e_to_talk_about_them_ask/dzlvbyr/

Answered one when it was happening, will answer the rest. Thanks for the
heads up.

> Interesting. I sent an email explaining what tweaks could be applied to
> the
> website before the sprint. If you would like to expand on that, maybe we
> could
> schedule a meeting and brainstorm some more?

Yes, one of the tasks from the sprint is a redesign of the website. We
already started internationalizing the content and pretend to launch it for
the 18.08 refactoring release.

A meeting sounds good, will see how my schedule is next week and get back
to you.

Cheers :D

> Cheers
> Paul
> --
> Promotion & Communication
> www: http://kde.org
> Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@kde
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> ---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
> From: Paul Brown <paul.br...@kde.org>
> To: kdenlive@kde.org
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 21:27:50 +0200
> Subject: A topic for your sprint: A couple of improvements for Kdenlive.org
> Hi,
> As per Jean-Baptiste's request, I am sending you a couple of observations
> about kdenlive.org that you may like to discuss during your sprint.
> The promo team unanimously agrees that Kdenlive could be huge. It looks
> professional; technical problems of the past that made it unstable or slow
> seem to have been solved; it is easy to use and is well-designed. Plus the
> plugin system means that it can only grow with regards to filters and
> transitions.
> The website looks good and is professionally laid out, but it could be
> more
> helpful to casual users (that is, people who land on your site who do not
> already know Kdenlive). This is important, since the website is your
> display
> to the rest of the world.
> You can make sure you capture the attention of casual visitors and maybe
> improve search results with a few simple changes:
> * Landing/Home page:
> 1.- Include in a prominent position a one- or two-sentence description of
> what
> Kdenlive can do for users. For example:
> > Kdenlive lets you edit movies by allowing you to visually "cut up" clips
> and
> apply affects and transitions to them. It is free, it is open source and
> works
> on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
> Or something like that.
> When I say "Prominent position", I mean this text should be placed on the
> landing page, in quite a big font, and located so the visitor does not
> have to
> scroll down to see it.
> I have included an image which shows where a good place would be.
> Notice that currently there is no description of what Kdenlive is on the
> landing page.
> 2.- Instead of a cut out part of the interface, include a clear, high
> resolution, non-distorted image of Kdenlive's interface in the header of
> the
> page. This will complement the description and give visitors a better idea
> of
> what they should expect from Kdenlive.
> * "About" page:
> 1.- Change the description of what Kdenlive is from:
> > "Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor. It is primarily
> aimed at the GNU/Linux platform but also works on BSD and MacOS. It is
> currently being ported to Windows as a GSOC project.
> >
> > Non-linear video editing is much more powerful than beginners’ (linear)
> editors, hence it requires a bit more organization before starting.
> However,
> it is not reserved to specialists and can be used for small personal
> projects."
> To:
> > "Kdenlive is a "non-linear video editor". This means it lets you to lay
> out
> multiple video and audio clips simultaneously on several tracks. You can
> cut
> from one to another or add transitions, allowing you to make professional-
> looking full-length videos. You can also add filters and special effects
> to
> your videos to make them more arresting.
> >
> > Kdenlive is free open source software and works on Linux, Windows and
> macOS."
> * Download page
> 1.- Is damn near perfect. Great layout, clear links.
> Have fun during the sprint.
> Cheers
> Paul
> P.S.: When are you going to be in Seville?
> --
> Promotion & Communication
> www: http://kde.org
> Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@kde
> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kde/
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/kdecommunity

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