On 29.05.2018 11:48, l...@loicvanderstichelen.com wrote:

Thank you for your work on Kdenlive !!!

Yesterday it was the end-of-year jury atl'Ecole d'Art d'Uccle in Brussels <http://www.ecoleartuccle.be/> and some students are using kdenlive since one year !


Thanks for your message! This is very  encouraging for our team to have that kind of feedback!

As you can see, exports where made on the 18.08 beta 12 (risky business :-)


Waiting for a stable version with timeling refactoring because it's just great !

(just a minor bug -> I have to choose 'selected area' (and define an area) instead of 'full sequence' because long projects are not fully exported)

Well this is for sure very risky to work on the refactoring branch! But we hope to have soon a "real" beta that can be tested more widely. In the meantime I release beta13 that should fix the render full project issue.

Best regards

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