Hi Michael and welcome!

That is some sweet hardware and I think it would be great to have support
for it in the next releases. I don't know technically what would be
involved to make it happen though. A first step can be to create a KDE
account and maybe start a thread on phabricator about this. Here s the link
to the Kdenlive board: https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/40/

Here is some info on git, hope it helps somehow:

Also besides the mailing list we have a telegram and irc channels.

Cheers :)

Em seg, 12 de nov de 2018 às 09:58, Michael Hirczy <mi...@gmx.net> escreveu:

> Greetings!
> I have been using kdenlive for quite some time now, and it's a fantastic
> NLE, thx a lot for that!
> While trying to learn the craft of filmmaking (as a hobbyist), I also
> stumbled upon the topic of color correction.
> Since I'm a full-stack-nerd/geek *gg*, I like nice hardware with knobs and
> displays :D
> So I managed to find a used Tangent CP200 color control surface and
> contacted Tangent about support for Linux.
> I got the full development package and I'm actually in the process of
> learning c++ and qt to make support for the Tangent hardware inside of
> KDEenlive.
> (I've been coding for about 30 years, worked fulltime as Java-Dev and
> although technology has quite evolved through the years, it's still easy
> for
> me to read someone's code and refactor it to my needs)
> Is there interest to put Tangent-support into the official repository?
> since they released their Ripple, color grading software is not so
> expensive
> anymore...
> I will program it anyways, so maybe it can be some help to others...
> When researching the code for color grading, I found a interesting
> behaviour
> of the LiftGammaGain-Widget:
> On every color correction panel you have 2 buttons to reset color and
> brightness independently.
> During my first steps I found, that resetting the color wheel in the LGGW
> works as intended (just reset the color wheel), but resetting the
> brightness
> bar will reset the color wheel, too!
> I don't know if this is intended or a bug - but I decided to change it to
> my
> needs (only reset the brightness/value bar):
> In colorwheel.cpp I just changed line 178:
>             // old code: c =
> NegQColor::fromRgbF(m_defaultValue/m_sizeFactor,
> m_defaultValue/m_sizeFactor, m_defaultValue/m_sizeFactor);
>             c = NegQColor::fromHsvF(m_color.hueF(), m_color.saturationF(),
> m_defaultValue/m_sizeFactor);
> ATM I'm not very good at git, so I don't like to submit such a small change
> to the official repository.
> (aaand I'm actually using the 18.08 branch for my dev-testing)
> If there's need to implement this into the repo, could someone of the devs
> do this?
> Otherwise, if the actual reset-algorithm is planned to work like this, just
> keep it this way :)
> thx and greetings
> michi

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