On 31.05.20 18:16, Mehdi Haghgoo wrote:
I was happy again with my old open source tool. So no need for commercial proprietary software at least for now. I wanted to thank the Kdenlive community for this amazing software.
Awesome! Good to hear that you enjoy using kdenlive. Although I am not a kdenlive developer, I do as well, and I think they read this!
Also one note. Following a recent email in the list, I think it is relevant that today I realized a website called nchsoftware.com is abusing Google ads to direct everyone looking for kdenlive to their site. I realized they do the same for a couple of other software. I reported the ad as offering counterfeit product and I hope they remove it soon. Just saying.
Yes, we had a discussion about these counterfeit ads on the mailing list a couple of weeks ago. This is not the first time someone noticed them. Therefore it's great you took your time and reported the ad! If enough people do that, they will vanish eventually. That's the only way we can protect users from becoming a victim of scam or fraud. We need to use our voice in that case! So I think you already contributed something to kdenlive :)



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