Hi Tyson.

Em seg., 15 de fev. de 2021 às 05:50, Tyson Tan <tyson...@tysontan.com>

> BTW, Since you are using Wordpress for the website, is it possible to
> assign me as an editor, so that I handle the translation by myself? I've
> been doing this for krita.org for a few years now, I'm familiar with
> Wordpress + Polylang. I can finish translating the whole website
> (without the blogs of sourse) in a day or two that way, and you don't
> need to match all the items afterward.
> My KDE Identity is tysontan tyson...@tysontan.com

That would be the best way to do it. Login to the website using your KDE
identity and we'll grant you editing privileges.

Thanks for your contribution! :)


> I've also opened a Merge Request on
> https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/merge_requests/176 with
> many string disambiguations that is essential to improve translations
> for CJK languages. If you have time, please review and merge my request
> so that I can finish the last bit of translation imperfections. Thanks!
> P.S. please call me Tyson, that's my first name.
> Best wishes,
> Tyson Tan

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