--- Comment #9 from bugzy <> ---
I was able to find and fix the actual cause of the problem by running the
"calendarjanitor" tool. The tool found an orphaned TODO entry in the affected
calendar. It turns out that whenever I added a new entry into the affected
calendar, the orphaned TODO would cause korganizer to crash when parsing that
calendar. So my new entries (attached above) were not the problem, I was simply
adding new entries to a faulty calendar:

==Output of calendarjanitor (default scan mode):==

Checking for orphans...                                                    
    The following incidences are children of nonexistent parents:

    * Found buggy incidence:
        id=159344; summary="Set in plant dividers for garden in plot behind

    In fix mode these children will be unparented.

Running the too in fix mode solved the problem and everything has been running
smooth since then.

==Output of calendarjanitor --fix (fix mode):== 
Checking for orphans...                                                    
    The following incidences are children of nonexistent parents:

    * Found buggy incidence:
        id=159344; summary="Set in plant dividers for garden in plot behind

    Children were successfully unparented.

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