--- Comment #16 from Martin Steigerwald <> ---
Created attachment 120924
akonadiserver.error log with akonadictl --verbose start on second start reusing
existing PostgreSQL processes

On second start with some of the PostgreSQL processes still running, this

Found pg_ctl: "/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl"
Found initdb: "/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl"
Found a pidfile, checking whether the server is still running...
PostgreSQL for Akonadi is already running, trying to connect to it.
Database "akonadi" opened using driver "QPSQL"
checking table  "SchemaVersionTable"
checking table  "ResourceTable"

It reuses the PostgreSQL processes that were left over from the last akonadictl

% ps aux | grep postgres                                                        
martin   25164  0.0  0.1 214568 26444 ?        S    19:59   0:00
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/postgres -D
/home/martin/.local/share/akonadi/db_data -k/tmp/akonadi-martin.wTqoXj -h
martin   25166  0.0  0.1 214696 19412 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
martin   25167  0.0  0.0 214700  9152 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
background writer   
martin   25168  0.0  0.0 214568  9496 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
martin   25169  0.0  0.0 214976  6508 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
autovacuum launcher   
martin   25170  0.0  0.0  69616  5108 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
stats collector   
martin   25171  0.0  0.0 214968  6484 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
logical replication launcher   
martin   25507  1.4  0.9 229764 160720 ?       Ss   20:04   0:02 postgres:
martin akonadi [local] idle
martin   25516  0.0  0.0 218628 14992 ?        Ss   20:04   0:00 postgres:
martin akonadi [local] idle
martin   25517  0.0  0.0 218628 15052 ?        Ss   20:04   0:00 postgres:
martin akonadi [local] idle
martin   25567  0.0  0.0 218492 12980 ?        Ss   20:04   0:00 postgres:
martin akonadi [local] idle
[… about 20-30 more of these …]

if you compare this with my last comment, you see that the PIDs are exactly the

However there are some additional processes running now.

When I stop Akonadi again the following processes remain:

% ps aux | grep postgres
martin   25164  0.0  0.1 214568 26444 ?        S    19:59   0:00
/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/postgres -D
/home/martin/.local/share/akonadi/db_data -k/tmp/akonadi-martin.wTqoXj -h
martin   25166  0.0  0.1 214696 19412 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
martin   25167  0.0  0.0 214700  9152 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
background writer   
martin   25168  0.0  0.0 214568  9496 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
martin   25169  0.0  0.0 214976  6508 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
autovacuum launcher   
martin   25170  0.0  0.0  69616  5108 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
stats collector   
martin   25171  0.0  0.0 214968  6484 ?        Ss   19:59   0:00 postgres:
logical replication launcher   
martin   25781  0.0  0.0   8236   924 pts/3    S+   20:10   0:00 grep postgres

So it appears to me that this could be somewhat an intended feature
or option of PostgreSQL: If it does not tear down *all* of the processes
it can more quickly be started again. However that is still all just
guess work until I take the time to dig deeper in how PostgreSQL handles
stopping the database.

I'd somehow still expect that it would remove all processes.

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