--- Comment #1 from Don Curtis <> ---
Further information:
In '~/.local/share/akonadi_maildir_resource_0/' the following directories were
 * outbox
 * sent-mail
Quit KMail, stopped Akonadi, created the directories and the associated "cur"
"new" "tmp" sub-directories.
Output of "akonadictl fsck 2>&1| grep -iE 'found|no RID'" is now:
Found 43 external files.
Found 43 external parts.
Found no unreferenced external files.
Found 0 parts to be moved to external files
Found 0 parts to be moved to database
Collection "Search" (id: 1) has no RID.
Collection "OpenInvitations" (id: 30) has no RID.
Collection "DeclinedInvitations" (id: 31) has no RID.
Found 3 collections without RID.
Found 0 items without RID.
Found 0 dirty items.

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