--- Comment #8 from Rodney Baker <rodney baker iinet net au>  2009-05-12 
16:58:53 ---
Actually I've just realised that what I'm seeing is a little more subtle than
what I described above. The folder size is calculated and shown when the number
of messages shown for a particular folder (in the Total column) changes.

- I have some non-empty folders with no value shown in the Total messages
column. If I click on those folders, the folder size is calculated and

- I have some non-empty folders showing a number of messages in the Total
column; if I click on those folders the size remains at zero bytes, regardless
of what I do, until a new message is delivered to that folder (via procmail).

- I have an empty folder showing zero bytes. I drag a read message from another
folder (which is showing the correct folder size) to that empty folder. The
Total message count is incremented by 1 but the size remains at zero. I drag
another message into the folder; total count is now 2 but size remains at zero
bytes. The size of the folder that I dragged the messages from is decremented
by the size of the messages.

- I drag the messages back to their original folder. The Total count in the
previously empty folder is back to zero. The Total count in the folder from
where the messages originally came (which, remember, was showing the correct
folder size) is incremented by 2 (as expected) but the folder size is now shown
as 0 bytes (it was correct before I dragged the messages back).

I hope that description is clear. As I said, progress has definitely been made
but something appears still to be not quite right. Let me know if I can do
anything further to assist in tracking it down.

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