Summary: kio_smtp hangs, waiting to acquire lock; sending mail
                    is then impossible
           Product: kmail
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: FreeBSD Ports
        OS/Version: FreeBSD
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Version:            (using KDE 4.2.2)
Compiler:          gcc 4.2.1 
OS:                FreeBSD
Installed from:    FreeBSD Ports

I am running a local SMTP server; kmail is configured to talk to it to send
mail. This has been working fine, but for no obvious reason the following
things have started happening at some point in the last day or so.

1. Attempts to send mail fail, leaving the message in my outbox. kmail spins
for about 20s after I click the "send" button, not responding to mouse clicks
or repainting its windows; then it creates a window but doesn't draw anything
in it; then about 25s later it fills in the window with: "Sending failed:
Unable to create SMTP job. The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder [...]
The following transport was used: Unnamed". (Plus, since this is not the first
time it failed, the offer to either continue with other messages in my outbox
or give up.)

After each of the two long pauses just mentioned, one copy of the following
message is written to, I suppose, kmail's stderr: 'kmail(1280): couldn't create
slave: "Cannot talk to klauncher: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes
include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security
policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection
was broken."' 1280 is, indeed, the PID of my kmail process.

2. I have a kio_smtp process sitting in the state that ps on my machine calls
"L": "a process that is waiting to acquire a lock". Attempts to kill it fail.
There is only one such process; trying to send a message doesn't create
another. It never seems to leave the "L" state. So far as I can tell, it isn't
doing anything other than waiting idly.

Exiting kmail doesn't make the kio_smtp process go away. (kmail itself really
does, though.) The kio_smtp process remains unkillable.

I also have a klauncher process in state "L". It too is unkillable. This and
the kio_smtp process are the only two in that state. Each waiting for a lock
held by the other?

I haven't made any changes to my system's hardware or OS, or to the way kmail
is configured, or to my MTA, since long before the trouble began. (In
particular, I have sent and received plenty of mail since the last time my
configuration changed.)

Doing other things with kmail doesn't seem problematic. Incoming mail is
processed OK. The SMTP server itself appears to be fine. I can talk to it on
port 25 and send mail with it.

I'm running FreeBSD 7.1 on a dual-core Intel processor.

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