Summary: kontact: categories missing and more hints
           Product: kontact
           Version: 4.4.1
          Platform: Ubuntu Packages
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: wishlist
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Version:           4.4.1 (using KDE 4.4.1)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

kontact, addressbook:
- categories missing
- change of visible name does not change display name in address field (small
- cannot delete phone numbers to less than three
- modal dialogs are unconvenient for information adjustment between address
- switch focus to a search field: if at this moment the string is completely
selected it would improve usability => to enter a new search string there is no
need for a special action to delete the old content
- mark found search string in contact display make it easier to know why a
special contact is displayed
- focus handling inconsistent: input search string, enter, arrow-down ==>
nothing visual happen (*1), next arrow-down => select next contact entry.
Expectation: first arrow down should select the next entry. *1: if selection
doesn't change and a contact below the first is already selected, the first
contact becomes selected with the first arrow-down - expectation: reselect to
the first contact when search is executed and the old selection is defunct

- switch mail by keyboard is inconsisten: arrow-up/-down if focus in mail
selection frame (upper right) or mailbox tree frame (left) does not select
between mails/boxes. Expectation: if focus in that frame arrow-up/-down should
move selection in that frame. Focus should turned round with tab key.
If focus is not in a frame where arrow-up/-down makes sense, the current
handling of arrow and page keys is good. Tab key should reduce to frame and
menu/function handling

- focus/keyboard handling needs lot of improvement

Happy hacking,

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