--- Comment #1 from Olivier LAHAYE <olivier lahaye1 free fr>  2010-09-13 
16:16:12 ---
Changed my imap password on the exchange server. same problem.
The new log showing a step that I have to enter my password (I entered the new
password as the kdewallet stored one was now obsolete) is interresting as there
is  a step that is strange:
QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kwalletd' had owner '' but we thought it was

$ /usr/bin/kmail-migrator --interactive-on-change
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Beginning KMail migration..."
kmail-migrator(8063) KMail::KMailMigrator::migrate: Copying content from
kmail-migrator(8063) KMail::KMailMigrator::migrateTags: Tag Groups:
("MessageTag #0", "MessageTag #1", "MessageTag #2") MigratedTags: ("MessageTag
#0", "MessageTag #1", "MessageTag #2") Unmigrated Tags: QSet()
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Trying to migrate 'Exchange CEA
(imap)' to resource..."
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Creating instance of type
QPainter::end: Painter ended with 2 saved states
QPainter::end: Painter ended with 2 saved states
QPainter::end: Painter ended with 2 saved states
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Created imap resource"
kmail-migrator(8063)/kdeui (Wallet) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid
window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
kmail-migrator(8063)/kdeui (Wallet) KWalletDLauncher::getInterface: The
kwalletd service has been registered
QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kwalletd' had owner '' but we thought it was
kmail-migrator(8063) KMail::KMailMigrator::migrateImapAccount: Starting IMAP
collection migration: options= QFlags(0x2)
AbstractCollectionMigrator::Private::resourceStatusChanged: resource=
"akonadi_imap_resource_15" oldStatus= 2 message= "" newStatus 0 message=
AbstractCollectionMigrator::Private::resourceStatusChanged: resource=
"akonadi_imap_resource_15" oldStatus= 0 message= "Ready" newStatus 0 message=
"Connection established."
AbstractCollectionMigrator::Private::resourceStatusChanged: resource=
"akonadi_imap_resource_15" oldStatus= 0 message= "Connection established."
newStatus 0 message= "Ready"
kmail-migrator(8063) AbstractCollectionMigrator::Private::recheckIdleResource:
mStatus= 0 mResource.status()= 0
kmail-migrator(8063) AbstractCollectionMigrator::migrationCancelled: processed
0 collection seen 0
kmail-migrator(8063) KMail::KMailMigrator::imapFoldersMigrationFinished:
imapMigrationFinished: instance= "akonadi_imap_resource_15" error= "Resource
'Exchange CEA (imap)' did not create any folders"
kmail-migrator(8063): "Migration of 'Exchange CEA (imap)' to Akonadi resource
failed: Resource 'Exchange CEA (imap)' did not create any folders" 
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Local folders have already been
kmail-migrator(8063) InfoDialog::message: "Migration successfully completed."
kmail-migrator(8063) KMail::KMailMigrator::migrationDone: Deleting 1 failed
resource instances

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