--- Comment #103 from  <m wege web de>  2011-10-31 13:27:01 ---
Created an attachment (id=65072)
 --> (
New crash information added by DrKonqi

akregator (1.6.6) on KDE Platform 4.7.2 (4.7.2) using Qt 4.7.2

- What I was doing when the application crashed: I was selecting a feed folder,
wenn the crash occured.

-- Backtrace (Reduced):
#6  0x00007f15e2ec543f in Akregator::Article::title (this=<value optimized
out>) at ../../../akregator/src/article.cpp:375
#7  0x00007f15e2eceb32 in Akregator::ArticleModel::Private::Private
(this=0x1511b550, articles_=<value optimized out>, qq=<value optimized out>) at
#8  0x00007f15e2ececfa in Akregator::ArticleModel::ArticleModel
(this=0x1ce5a230, articles=..., parent=<value optimized out>) at
#9  0x00007f15e2eebe26 in
Akregator::SelectionController::articleHeadersAvailable (this=0x177a430,
job=<value optimized out>) at
#10 0x00007f15e2eec104 in Akregator::SelectionController::qt_metacall
(this=0x177a430, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=<value optimized out>,
_a=0x7fff710ec5d0) at ./selectioncontroller.moc:92

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