W dniu 07.02.2017 o 19:31, James Sumners pisze:
> I have an environment wherein my DHCP server is on subnet ‘A’ but also
> receives traffic for subnets ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’. I have a reservation
> within subnet D in my database for a host. When that host communicates
> with the server, the server is looking for an address in subnet A since
> that is the primary subnet.
Are subnets A,B,C and D located on the same physical link? If that is
so, that's a shared subnet scenario that is not really supported yet.

If they aren't and the server receives that traffic through relays, then
you can configure 4 subnets in your config and use the relay addresses
to select appropriate subnet for B,C and D.

> How do I make Kea assign addresses to the correct subnet based on what
> has been reserved for them in the database?
I doesn't work that way. Reservations are subnet specific. This is a
design choice made to support cases of mobile or nomadic devices. Kea
does subnet selection first and then tries to select reservation or a an
address from dynamic pool specific to that subnet. This is discussed in
section 7.5:


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