On Пн 02.10.2017 15:59, Sergey Klusov wrote:
Just experimenting with IPv6 and DHCP.

Suppose a routed environment where DHCPv6 and served are separated by few more routers.

I setup a dhcp-relay agent on end router as:

ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:DB8:0:1::16:2

This is the address of KEA server. I start it as usual, specifying "*" interface, but:

# ss -nl6u | grep 547
UNCONN     0      0      ff02::1:2%lan0.16:547 :::*
UNCONN 0 0 fe80::20c:29ff:feb4:98c2%lan0.16:547 :::*

That repeats for all other interfaces this host have, but all of them are multicast or link-local

Is there some option i should turn on?

kea version is 1.1.0

Sorry. Just looked closely at documentation and found an answer.

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