itay cohen writes:
> i have this configuration on the global scope
>         "renew-timer": 900,
>         "rebind-timer": 1800,
>         "valid-lifetime": 3600,
> it is used as the "default" timers, unless a timer is configured on the
> subnet level.
> when i use the get-config command i cant see the timers configured on the
> global level.

=> I have a question which is in fact the response: is your concern
the fact you can't see these timers at the global scope, or the fact
there are some subnets where no specific timer values are configured
and a default value copied from the global scope is not configured?


Francis Dupont <>

PS: if the action of deriveParams (src/lib/cc/simple_parser.h) is misleading
we have somewhere the code of a factorParams doing the opposite.
It was considered as too complex and potentially even more misleading
(i.e. clearly against the least astonishment principle) so was not adopted.
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