Joern Wallstabe writes:
> sorry, first mail did not contain any text.. here it comes:
> I am trying to fill option 125 using the provided example in kea.conf (see
> conf snippet below).
> But dhcp offer only shows enterprise-number in option 125 and no suboptions=
> .
> I have tried version  1.2 an the latest 1.3 beta.
> Has anybody a hint, how to solve this problem ?
> Thank you in advance, Joern
> ----
> "subnet4": [
>         {
>           ...
>            "option-data": [
>                 {
>                     "name": "routers",
>                     "data": ""
>                 },
>                 {   "name": "vivso-suboptions",
>                     "data": "4491"
>                 },
>                 {   "name": "tftp-servers",
>                     "space": "vendor-4491",
>                     "data": ""
>                 },
>                 {
>                     "name": "vendor-encapsulated-options",
>                     "csv-format": false
>                 }
>           ]
> ....

=> vendor-encapsulated-options space is (in fact now was in 1.3) the space
for the option 43. Option 125 is managed with the vendor-4491 space.
Look at 8.3.4 in the devel user/admin guide (but if you use the old
option 43 please note that 1.3 improves a lot the way it is done).


Francis Dupont <>
Kea-users mailing list

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