Tim Howe writes:
> Trying to get started with KEA.
> I have configured a gPON connection on my test bench to use option-82
> and send a circuit-id in a format that should look like "3/2/1/800"
> which will be something like slot/port/ont-port/vlan.
> When I try to configure a reservation like the following:
>  {
>    "circuit-id": "3/2/1/800",
>    "ip-address": ""
>  }
>       Kea tells me:  invalid host identifier value '3/2/1/800'.

=> the circuit-id must be either a quoted-string or in hexadecimal.

>       I tried entering it into the config like so: "'3/2/1/800'", and
> when I do that (put single quotes in), it doesn't complain about the
> config, but it also doesn't work.

=> this is a quoted-string so accepted by the parser.

>       Also, probably unrelated but it confuses me, the log file says
> this about the circuit-id:
> 2018-01-05 14:36:59.034 DEBUG [kea-dhcp4.hosts/90659] HOSTS_CFG_GET_ONE_SUBNE
> T_ID_IDENTIFIER get one host with IPv4 reservation for subnet id 1, identifie
> d by circuit-id=332F322F312F

=> 332F322F312F is 3/2/1/ i.e. there is not the trailing vlan 800.

>       What do I not understand?

=> IMHO there is not in packets what you expected. I recommend to check
the real content with another tool (tcpdump, wireshark, tshark, etc)
which can display packets from the wire. If the problem on the relay side
can't be fixed '3/2/1/' should match.


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
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