Jason Guy writes:
> I do not see any documentation for specifying parameters this way, or what
> specifically needs to be entered into the row to utilize this. Any
> information or pointers on how to do this would be helpful.

=> there is a documentation somewhere but I don't remember where it is...
I am afraid it is only for one of the 2 SQL backends but it works in fact
for both (Cassandra is another thing and this afternoon it did not support
host reservation :-).

> I don't want to
> define my host reservations in the configuration file, but I understand if
> I have to define the client class before referencing it in the database.

=> at the exception of built-in classes when a class is not defined
it does nothing and it raises a warning when option values are
computed (the idea is to help when the class name was mistyped).
So it is not a formal requirement to define classes but it does not
make sense to not define them...


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
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