Ben Monroe writes:
> 1)      Is it normal for a subnet to have a single DHCP instance or
> multiples instances?

=> single

> 2)      In the case that multiple DHCP servers exist on a the same subnet,
> are the instances all active and load balanced? Or is only one active while
> the others are inactive until some kind of failover occurs?

=> you can do both.

> 3)      If multiple DHCP servers exist on the same subnet and are all
> active, what is to prevent a client from receiving multiple DHCP responses?

=> nothing!

> 4)      Is it normal to run both DNS and DHCP services on a single server?
> Are there advantages to running DNS and DHCP on separate servers?

=> it is common but of course you get a single point of failure.

> The answers to these questions will help in deciding whether I should
> install Kea on the same server instances (Raspberry Pi 3) that are running
> DNS (Bind), how many servers, or whether I should split them to dedicated
> servers (likely also Raspberry Pi 3).

=> you have another choice: use a file or a database for leases and
in the second case where to put the database server (same box than Kea
or another box).


Francis Dupont <>
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