I am working on a new hook so I have a build where "make install" works well.
Note I kept the default prefix "/usr/local", this gives:

% ls /usr/local/lib/hooks
libdhcp_flex_id.a       libdhcp_host_cache.a    libdhcp_legal_log.a
libdhcp_flex_id.la      libdhcp_host_cache.la   libdhcp_legal_log.la
libdhcp_flex_id.so      libdhcp_host_cache.so   libdhcp_legal_log.so
libdhcp_ha.a            libdhcp_host_cmds.a     libdhcp_subnet_cmds.a
libdhcp_ha.la           libdhcp_host_cmds.la    libdhcp_subnet_cmds.la
libdhcp_ha.so           libdhcp_host_cmds.so    libdhcp_subnet_cmds.so


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>

PS: of course only the *.so are useful. If you find it is inconvenient
to get also the .a and .la, please open a (Kea trac) ticket or (better)
push a request on github fixing the install of the lease cmds hook
(the user chk hook is not installed).
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