On 09.08.2018 15:50, McBride Lawrence wrote:
> Suffice it to say I needn’t have asked the question if I had looked
> closer at all of the error messages because it was obvious that the
> subnet was not recognised by the server due to yet more f*&k%g config
> file syntax errors with misplaced commas, brackets etc.
No worries. Kea parsers are rather strict and unforgiving. There's some
initial pains to endure, but once you're past them, your config file
will be cleaner.

> I really need to invest in a better .vimrc for highlighting and bracket
> matching or move to another editor that is more friendly.
Couple suggestions: Use indents in your config. Use on-line validators
to check syntax. Run kea with logging set to stdout, so you immediately
see the errors. If you're completely lost, start with one of the config
examples that comes with Kea. There's around 40 of them. Look in
doc/examples directory. Start from the example and tweak it bit by bit
until you get to where you want to be.

Also, if you're interested, ISC offers professional support that
includes config reviews. See https://www.isc.org/mission/contact/.

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