Dominik Korittki writes:
> currently we are searching for a possibility to set a custom TTL value
> for DDNS entries in kea-dhcp-ddns-server. The default seems to be the
> same value as the valid lease length. The admin guide doesn't seem to
> cover this topic but we found the following reports, which are related
> to this:

=> this one is a ISC DHCP migration low priority ticket, i.e. ISC DHCP
has a feature which can be a good thing for Kea too. Mainly these
tickets are a list of ideas for future releases (if it was useful for
ISC DHCP users it should be useful for Kea users too...).


=> it is a bug report because the current code is not RFC compliant.
It is in outstanding task so it is registered but no action is scheduled.


=> closed (the bug described in it was fixed)

> As these reports are quite a bit old, is there anything new to know? If
> not, is there any other way to set a TTL? Maybe through a hook?

=> the DHCP DDNS server does not support hooks and I am afraid it is
more than hairy to do at the DHCP server (DDNS client).


Francis Dupont <>
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