According to man 2 bind you can get:
 - EACCES: for Kea it means you forget to run it as root
 - EADDRINUSE: there is another DHCP agent running (not the same Kea server
  because in this case you get an error about the PID first)
 - EADDRNOTAVAIL: an address in the Kea configuration was not configured
  on the machine
 - EAFNOSUPPORT: only with DHCPv6: the kernel was not configured with IPv6
The last two are unlikely but possible.
BTW for EADDRINUSE the problem is reported by the kernel.

There are extra possible errors with local (aka UNIX) domain, in Kea
it is used for the control socket:
 - EEXIST: the file already exists (remove it: usually Kea removes it
  at exit but not when it crashes)
 - EISDIR: the path is a directory (fix the config)
 - ELOOP: the path has a link loop (remove the looping link, usually a link
  pointing to itself)
 - ENAMETOOLONG: the path is too long (max length is system dependent but
  more than 100 characters)
 - ENOENT: something does not exist in the path (create it)
 - ENOTDIR: something in the middle of the path is not a directory
 - EROFS: the path is in a read-only file system
IMHO you should only get the first one which is easy to fix. When you use
a tool to launch Kea you should configure the tool to remove local domain
socket files.

About #262 it is a trivial typo in the example which will be fixed as
soon as the Kea master branch code will be unfrozen.


Francis Dupont <>
Kea-users mailing list

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