Initial forward and reverse DNSUPDATE commands succeed:

DHCP_DDNS_ADD_SUCCEEDED DHCP_DDNS Request ID xxx: successfully added the DNS mapping addition for this request: Type: 0 (CHG_ADD)

But Kea does another CHG_ADD only a minute later and it fails:

DHCP_DDNS_FORWARD_REPLACE_REJECTED DNS Request ID yyy: Server, port:5353, rejected a DNS update request to replace the address mapping for FQDN, wkst7.lan., with an RCODE: 8 DHCP_DDNS_ADD_FAILED DHCP_DDNS Request ID yyy: Transaction outcome Status: Failed, Event: UPDATE_FAILED_EVT, Forward change: failed, Reverse change: failed, request: Type: 0 (CHG_ADD)

Is this a problem or can it be ignored? Is it due to setting "override-no-update": true and "override-client-update": true?
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