
Is there a way to use ifelse in a host reservation ?

We would like something like

"reservations": [ { "hw-address": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:fa", "ip-address": "yy.yy.yy.121", "hostname": "lab-client", "client-classes": [ " ifelse ( substring(option[vendor-class-identifier].text, 0, 9) == 'PXEClient' , 'Desktop', none) " ] },

But the above does not work: KEA interprets the whole string "ifelse ( substring(option[vendor-class-identifier].text, 0, 9) == 'PXEClient' , 'Desktop', none) " as being the client-class name itself.

Alternatively we could use "ifelse" in the client-class definition but none of the combinations we have tried works: we always get a syntax error reported by the validation of the json configuration file.

What we need is the equivalent of what we have in DHCPD:

group { # Desktop Clients if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient" { option vendor-class-identifier "PXEClient"; option dhcp-server-identifier aims.xxx; next-server aims.xxx; } host client1 { hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:fa; option host-name "lab-client"; fixed-address yy.yy.yy.121; } ....




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