I suggest to use a guard (i.e. a "client-class" clause) in the pool
configuration with a client class checking if the MAC address belongs
to a given list.
Two additional comments:
 - this works only with IPv4 as the MAC address is not available in IPv6
  (but there is a feature-request to add this and the second alternative
   below works with IPv6)
 - if you have many MAC addresses it can be interesting to use a regular
  expression which is supported by the last dev Kea version (2253 in
   the ChangeLog) or reservations matching MAC addresse (aka hw-address)
   and setting (by a "client-classes" clause) the client class
   (note for a pool guard even if you use a global reservation you do
    not need to enable the early-global-reservations-lookup).


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>

PS: the reservation alternative can be extended to drop not matching
MAC address clients or to accept only clients with an empty (i.e.
not reserving or setting something) reservation using the KNOWN
bultin client class.
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