Many thanks!
Another question.
In my current backend configuration are many shared networks with subnets.
DNS is defined in subnet.

If I add DNS globaly via remote-option4-global-set
And then override each subnet with same id, same content but without dns 
option, what will happen with current leases(also in backend)?
Do I need to restart devices?
Because dns option was in subnet but must be migrated globaly...

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From: Kea-users <> On Behalf Of Peter Davies
Sent: Thursday, 03 October 2024 16:05
Subject: Re: [Kea-users] Client class vs subnet options

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Hi Egor,
  The options defined with the subnet take precedence over the options defined
in client classes.


If you had defined the "domain-name-servers" options globally, the client class
option would have taken precedence.

Kind Regards Peter

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