Asssalamu'alaikum and good
        day Dato' / Prof. / Dr. / Sir and Madam,


        Appreciate if you could pass this info to your students,
        friends, colleagues etc who might be benefited by this vacancy.




        A company specialise in herbs located in Kepala Batas, Penang is 
looking for two
        suitable candidates who can develop website for the company.


      Responsibilities :


          To be
          responsible for all e-marketing materials, media initiatives
          and promotional activities.

          ·       Works with members of the Marketing
          teams to conceptualize and execute visual concepts for a
          variety of projects.

          ·       Edits and visually improves
          existing products.

          ·       Manage multiple projects


            Requirements :


          layout skills using the latest web technology.

          ·       Multimedia & website building
          knowledge is a must.

          ·       Candidate must possess a valid
          driving licence (Class D).

          ·       Working
          experience and education qualification is not necessary but

          ·       Applicants should be Malaysian
          citizens or hold relevant residence status.

          ·       Full time position available.

          ·       Required language : English and

          ·       Required skills : Adobe
          Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, HTML / XHTML & dreamwaver.


    Please submit your resume

        Attention : Mr. Azuki.

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