It's not necessarily laziness that makes people hit the "snooze"
button in the morning. Most likely, your body clock is mismatched with
the demands of your life.

Your clock is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, a part of the
brain that controls the body's biological rhythms. But, says Jean
Matheson, a sleep-disorders specialist at Beth Israel Medical Center
in New York, these preset natural rhythms often don't align with daily
realities—work or school start times cannot be adjusted to fit a
person's sleep schedule. People who have trouble crawling out of bed
probably have an inner clock set to late wake-up and sleep times, a
condition known as phase delay.

It is possible to adjust your phase-delayed body clock, Matheson says,
but at a price: No sleeping in on the weekends. "When people sleep
late on weekends, they revert to their natural phase-delayed rhythm,"
she explains. This makes it harder to wake up early on weekdays. You
can train yourself to wake up earlier, Matheson says, by setting your
alarm 15 minutes earlier each day (and heeding its call).

Exposure to artificial light in the evening can also cause phase
delay. The brain is very sensitive to light, and too much of it just
before bed—from computer screens, televisions or bright reading
lights—can trick the brain into thinking it's daytime.

If you find it difficult to adjust your sleep habits, there's some
good news. Scientists at the University of California at Irvine
recently discovered that a single amino acid regulates your internal
clock. One day, says pharmacology professor Paolo Sassone-Corsi, this
research could translate into a drug that controls the brain's sleep

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