President Obama Celebrates Ramadan at White House Iftar Dinner
Last night, President Obama continued the White House tradition of
hosting an Iftar - the meal that breaks the day of fasting -
celebrating Ramadan in the State Dining Room.  During his remarks
at the Iftar dinner, President Obama reflected on the importance of
religious freedom as one of the founding principles of our Nation: 
Our Founders understood that the best way to honor the
place of faith in the lives of our people was to protect their freedom
to practice religion.  In the Virginia Act of Establishing Religion
Freedom, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men shall be free to profess,
and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion.” 
The First Amendment of our Constitution established the freedom of
religion as the law of the land.  And that right has been upheld ever

Indeed, over the course of our history, religion has flourished
within our borders precisely because Americans have had the right to
worship as they choose -– including the right to believe in no religion
at all.  And it is a testament to the wisdom of our Founders that
America remains deeply religious -– a nation where the ability of
peoples of different faiths to coexist peacefully and with mutual
respect for one another stands in stark contrast to the religious
conflict that persists elsewhere around the globe.

Now, that's not to say that religion is without
controversy. Recently, attention has been focused on the construction
of mosques in certain communities -– particularly New York.  Now, we
must all recognize and respect the sensitivities surrounding the
development of Lower Manhattan.  The 9/11 attacks were a deeply
traumatic event for our country.  And the pain and the experience of
suffering by those who lost loved ones is just unimaginable.  So I
understand the emotions that this issue engenders.  And Ground Zero is,
indeed, hallowed ground.

But let me be clear.  As a citizen, and as President, I believe that
Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else
in this country.  (Applause.)  And that includes the right to build a
place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower
Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.  This is
America.  And our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. 
The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country and
that they will not be treated differently by their government is
essential to who we are.  The writ of the Founders must endure.

We must never forget those who we lost so tragically on 9/11, and we
must always honor those who led the response to that attack -– from the
firefighters who charged up smoke-filled staircases, to our troops who
are serving in Afghanistan today. And let us also remember who we’re
fighting against, and what we’re fighting for.  Our enemies respect no
religious freedom.  Al Qaeda’s cause is not Islam -– it’s a gross
distortion of Islam.  

These are not religious leaders -– they’re
terrorists who murder innocent men and women and children.  In fact, al
Qaeda has killed more Muslims than people of any other religion -– and
that list of victims includes innocent Muslims who were killed on 9/11.

So that's who we’re fighting against.  And the reason that we will
win this fight is not simply the strength of our arms -– it is the
strength of our values.  The democracy that we uphold. The freedoms
that we cherish.  The laws that we apply without regard to race, or
religion, or wealth, or status.  Our capacity to show not merely
tolerance, but respect towards those who are different from us –- and
that way of life, that quintessentially American creed, stands in stark
contrast to the nihilism of those who attacked us on that September
morning, and who continue to plot against us today.

The President also reflected on the many contributions Muslim Americans have 
made to our country:

Like so many other immigrants, generations of Muslims
came to forge their future here.  They became farmers and merchants,
worked in mills and factories.  They helped lay the railroads.  They
helped to build America.  They founded the first Islamic center in New
York City in the 1890s.  They built America’s first mosque on the
prairie of North Dakota.  And perhaps the oldest surviving mosque in
America —- still in use today —- is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Today, our nation is strengthened by millions of Muslim Americans. 
They excel in every walk of life.  Muslim American communities —-
including mosques in all 50 states —- also serve their neighbors. 
Muslim Americans protect our communities as police officers and
firefighters and first responders.  Muslim American clerics have spoken
out against terror and extremism, reaffirming that Islam teaches that
one must save human life, not take it.  And Muslim Americans serve with
honor in our military. At next week’s iftar at the Pentagon, tribute
will be paid to three soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq and now
rest among the heroes of Arlington National Cemetery. 

These Muslim Americans died for the security that we depend on, and
the freedoms that we cherish.  They are part of an unbroken line of
Americans that stretches back to our founding; Americans of all faiths
who have served and sacrificed to extend the promise of America to new
generations, and to ensure that what is exceptional about America is
protected -– our commitment to stay true to our core values, and our
ability slowly but surely to perfect our union.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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