Hi all,

Is it possible to have both the Kerberos client and server reside on the same machine?  We are using Linux and Lynx OS versions of the KDC (1.2.5).  When the Kerberos client and server are on different machines, it works great -- the client can authenticate with the KDC!  However, when the client and server are on the same machine, the client is unable to authenticate, and we see this from the server's krb5kdc.log file:

Jul 24 10:55:11 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): AS_REQ (1 etypes {1}) Client's_IP(39
968): ISSUE: authtime 1027533311, etypes {rep=1 tkt=1 ses=1}, happy@REALMNAME
for krbtgt@REALMNAME
Jul 24 10:55:16 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) r
equest from port 39968, resending previous response
Jul 24 10:55:21 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) r
equest from port 39968, resending previous response
Jul 24 10:55:26 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) r
equest from port 39968, resending previous response
Jul 24 10:55:31 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) r
equest from port 39968, resending previous response
Jul 24 10:55:36 Lynx krb5kdc[145](info): DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) r
equest from port 39968, resending previous ! ! response

We are very new to Kerberos -- so sorry if this question is trivial.  Any suggestions would be really helpful and greatly appreciated.



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