On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 02:06:00PM +1100, Vanessa Jones said tag, you're it:

> I want to know if the MIT Kerberos v5 will work on Solaris 2.9?  
> Has anyone got it to  work on Soarlis 2.9.  We want to upgrade our operating system
>  and I want to make sure there aren't going to be any major problems.
> Vanessa.

We were unable to get Solaris 2.9 clients to authenticate with our MIT kerberos 
server.  We ended up installing MIT kerberos on the clients and uninstalling the
Solaris kerberos packages. I'm not sure if this is normal or if other people    
have similar experiences.  Our environment is extremely heterogeneous so we     
normally ignore vendors kerberos implementations and use MIT instead. To note,  
our kdc was running NetBSD 1.5 with krb 1.2.2.  Solaris 2.9 clients use 1.2.5.  
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