The values for the KDC server settings are taken from the configuration 
file or command line setting or defaulted. If you have a specific 
question I can  try to answer it in the newsgroup. Please mention the OS 
and the JDK version.

I don't think the debug information is  formally specified or  expalined 

( You mention the cold boot clearing up the problem . I wonder whether 
this could be because the ticket is picked up from the TGT cache and 
when the ticket has expired it tries to contact the KDC and errors may 

            = Ram Marti

Sleepy wrote:
> Hi, I noticed somewhere that you could set the system property 
> sun.security.krb5.debug=true
> to get additional Kerberos debugging information. Does anyone know of
> a guide to decipher this information, particularly the output provided
> by the new 1.5 JDK. Documentation on it seems to be very limited and
> hard to find.
> In particular it would be nice to know about the "server=" output that
> is provided, where that value comes from, and how to alter it. I have
> noticed that the majority of my problems occur when this "server="
> piece displays incorrectly (ie - doesn't point to the correct KDC
> server). Sometimes doing cold reboots and running the same sample app
> fixes this problem for some reason, so I am unsure where this is
> coming from.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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