On Sep 8, 2004, at 09:14, Frank Taylor wrote:
The client code is jKrb5 (from
http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/astaff/project/krb5/raeburn/jkrb5 with a
few fixes and additions).

Uh. I'm not used to people picking stuff up out of my random development spaces, but okay... I picked that up a while ago, IIRC it's related to the stonesoup java kerberos work. I have no idea if it's current, if they're doing more work, if other people have bug fixes, etc. My copy certainly shouldn't be considered an authoritative source.

5) Summary

It seems that our client code is correct w.r.t. to the draft Kerberos
and crypto specs, however MS AD is producing/expecting different keys
for non-7-bit-ASCII passwords even though the salt is the same.

Any ideas on where to go next?

If no MS people answer promptly, I'd try a few other permutations. Perhaps UTF-16 encodings for the password, or password and salt, for the case where a non-ASCII character is found.


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