You can set system properties programmatically via java.lang.System class :-
System.setProperty("", "false");

To specify the JAAS Kerberos Login Configuration file, you can use :-
1) System property "-D||"
Optionally, you can set it programmatically via :-
System.setProperty("", jaas.conf);

2) Java security properties file
Indicate the URL of the configuration file in the security properties file located at JRE/lib/security/

For more information, refer to following websites :-


Bajpai, Atul wrote:

Thanks for your response again Seema. I am able to get SSO to work with
J2SE 1.4.2_07. During all this trial and error at some point I had
started building and running against 1.4.2_04 and didn't realise the
folly since I was always able to get a ticket when I provided my userid
and password, when prompted for it. Once I changed back to 1.4.2_07 and
turned the debug flag on, Krb5LoginModule is able to get the pricipal
from the ticketcache without prompting and eventually I get a Kerberos
ticket back in the Subject. Thanks for all the suggestions. Next step is
to get this code to run on Linux.I also need to specify all the -D
options programmatically. How do I do that? Also is it possible to
eliminate the need for the .conf file and specify, the LoginModule to be
used, programatically?

Atul Bajpai
Development Infrastructure

-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Malkani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 2:29 PM
To: Bajpai, Atul
Subject: Re: Java sample for SSO using JAAS on XP SP2, did anybody get
it to work?

As per your earlier email, you had mentioned that SSO works correctly
with your "test" account, and you do not get prompted for password. Is
this an issue with the another account on the same AD domain ?

JAAS Kerberos login module will acquire the native credentials, provided
you have the correct configuration. But if the credential acquisition
fails due to some reason, no credentials will be returned; and you'll
get a message "null credentials from Ticket Cache".

Can you provide following info:
1) Are you using the latest J2SE 1.4.2_07 ?
2) Do you have any file-based ticket cache on your machine ? Check out
any existence of krb5cc_uid in the home dir of the account used.
3) To investigate the failure, please send me a debug output. You can
enable Java Kerberos debugging via

See my comments below in response to your questions.


Bajpai, Atul wrote:

Hi all,
I am using a JAAS sample to try SSO on windows. My problem is When I use the Krb5LoginModule I am always prompted for a username and password. I want my app to get the kerberos ticket for the currently logged in user (which is me) without being prompted for username/password. To understand the problem I set debug=true and following is the output I get before I get prompted for username/pwd

Debug is true storeKey false useTicketCache true useKeyTab false doNotPrompt false ticketCache is null KeyTab is null refreshKrb5Config

is true principal is null tryFirstPass is false useFirstPass is false storePass is false clearPass is false

Refreshing Kerberos configuration
Principal is null
null credentials from Ticket Cache
My question is
1) Does this mean that ticket cache cannot be found hence a ticket could not be found or just that the ticket cache is empty?

This does not mean that the ticket cache cannot be found. This is
because the credential acquisition failed; this could be due to various
reasons, such as credentials in the ticket cache were invalid, or did
not exist for the requested identity.

2) How do I find out where my ticket cache is and what it has?

You can use Klist.exe tool on Windows to check on the native

3) When prompted for username/pwd, if I supply either mine or a test account username/pwd, my login succeeds and I get back a subject from the logincontext where I can see a kerberos ticket as part of the private credentials. What could be the reason for my sample app not being able to get a kerberos ticket for the currently logged in user without prompting for username/pwd?

Possibly due to configuration. Please answer the questions above.

Seems like some of you have dealt with JAAS on windows before so I'll really appreciate any pointers I can get on this.


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