the answer for the first one is Yes.  I got rid of the error by doing 
"ksetup /addkdc realm host".


"Jeffrey Altman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> peter huang wrote:
>> thanks so much for you help.   I got rid of the ccache error from
>> gss_init_sec_context.   I'll write up the request for getting MSLSA open 
>> up
>> more.
> Would you confirm that you removed the error by adding the KDC
> information to the Windows configuration?
>> However,  I don't know how much visibility I can get with the request
>> since MS has it's own priority and procedures espeically when it comes to
>> enhancment request.
> We are certainly aware that Microsoft is reluctant to make this change.
> However, the more organizations with clout that make the request the
> better chance we have of getting them to implement it.
>> -peter
> Jeffrey Altman
> -- 
> -----------------
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