
I am using a freeBSD 5.4. and am trying to authenticate using  
"pam_krb5.so" against an OS X server REALM.

I have couple of problems that seems a bit tough to handle for a  
"novice" of kerberos as I am.

For the picture here is my config :

- A KDC server located in my private Lan (internal zone).
- A client located on the DMZ (external zone).
- A DNS server configured using zones (external - internal).

Now my problem :

I have a POP server located on the DMZ that can't resolv the  
"default_realm" name of the KDC server (because they are located on  
different view. So basicly I can't reach the server and authenticate ??

What do you think will be the solution ?

Thanks for your support.

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@ todoo.biz

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