Another comment, if the problem is the Solaris 10 sshd is not saving
the forwarded credentials, it could be the pam.conf is not configured
correctly.  sshd calls pam with a number of different services names,
including sshd-password, sshd-gssapi, sshd-kdbint. (If one of these
is not found, other is used by pam :-( The man pages are not consistent
on the names actually used. You have to read the pam_krb5 and sshd pages
to figure this out.

The sshd does not set the KRB5CCNAME correctly either. We do this
with ccache=/tmp/krb5cc_%u_%p  (user and PID)
to get session based credentials if possible. Works from sshd-gssapi,
but not from dtlogin where we are stuck with user basede credentials.

Sun needs to get their act together on this too. But I would
rather live with this then to have to build OpenSSH and MIT Kerberos
when Sun is so close.

Erich Weiler wrote:

>>With OpenSSH-4.1 at least ssh_gssapi_krb5_storecreds and
>>ssh_gssapi_krb5_userok make krb5 API calls as gss never had a simple
>>authz function or a way to save the delegated creds.
>>Solaris 10's sshd uses PAM, to do these. OpenSSH should look at that
>>approach too, then it would not need Kerberos specific code either.
> The main reason I need to compile OpenSSH with krb5 is because the way I 
> have it working currently, OpenSSH using PAM, does not does _forward_ 
> krb5 creds when SSHing to another machine.  I have seen OpenSSH using 
> GSS-API auth forward creds successfully, but not using Solaris PAM... 
> Unless someone knows of a way I can forward kerberos TGTs using Solaris PAM?
> -erich
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