I had a report from a user that his Anti-Spyware software says Kerberos 
for Windows contains SpyWare.

The Anti-SpyWare software is CounterSpy:


And the scan reports:

   Crystalys Media Browser Plug-in  more information...
   Details: Crystalys Media is a browser plug-in that shows advertisements
            in the browser window.
   Status: Ignored

     Infected registry entries detected

and then lists (I think) every registry entry under HKCU\Software\MIT.

Any ideas?  Is this a problem with the SpyWare software itself?

UPDATE:  I had the user do multiple scans at various times during the 
installation of KfW.  First he removed KfW and checked to make sure the 
HKCU\Software\MIT and HKLM\SOFTWARE\MIT trees were gone.  Did a scan - it 
was clean.  Then installed KfW, but did not start the NIM, scan - clean. 
As soon as the NIM is started it apparently detected his Windows domain 
and imported those tickets... I believe this triggers the creation of the 
HKCU\Software\MIT registry entries and after that his scan shows spyware.
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