On Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:10:56 -0500
David Shambroom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mike,
> The mechToken is a Kerberos AS_REQ message, not a GSS token.

My understanding is that this statement is wholely incorrect.

Do you speak binary? I think that's the only way you're going to convince
me. The following is a comparison of a Kerberos 5 GSSAPI token submitted
by Firefox and a Kerberos 5 NegTokenInit.mechToken[] from IE.

$ hexd rawkrb5.bin -r "4,2,9,2,4,4,64"
00000:  60 82 04 8d                                      |`...            |
00000:  06 09                                            |..              |
00000:  2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02                       |*.H......       |
00000:  01 00                                            |..              |
00000:  6e 82 04 7c                                      |n..|            |
00000:  30 82 04 78                                      |0..x            |
00000:  a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03 02 01 0e a2 07 03 05 00 00  |................|
00010:  00 00 00 a3 82 03 a6 61 82 03 a2 30 82 03 9e a0  |.......a...0....|
00020:  03 02 01 05 a1 09 1b 07 46 4f 4f 2e 4e 45 54 a2  |........FOO.NET.|
00030:  1e 30 1c a0 03 02 01 03 a1 15 30 13 1b 04 48 54  |.0........0...HT|

$ hexd mechkrb5.bin -r "4,2,9,2,4,4,64"
00000:  60 82 04 99                                      |`...            |
00000:  06 09                                            |..              |
00000:  2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02                       |*.H......       |
00000:  01 00                                            |..              |
00000:  6e 82 04 88                                      |n...            |
00000:  30 82 04 84                                      |0...            |
00000:  a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03 02 01 0e a2 07 03 05 00 20  |............... |
00010:  00 00 00 a3 82 03 b4 61 82 03 b0 30 82 03 ac a0  |.......a...0....|
00020:  03 02 01 05 a1 09 1b 07 46 4f 4f 2e 4e 45 54 a2  |........FOO.NET.|
00030:  20 30 1e a0 03 02 01 02 a1 17 30 15 1b 04 48 54  | 0........0...HT|

Is Wireshark lieing to me?


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SSO
Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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