On Wed, 6 Dec 2006 14:58:43 -0500
Dennis Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am writing a perl script that uses the Authen:Krb5 module. The  
> script is simply trying to obtain an initial ticket. The problem  
> arises when I try to run the script from a PHP page. The script fails  
> with the call that initializes the ccache ($cc->initialize 
> ($pclient)). The error, according to the author of Authen::Krb5,  
> indicates that the ccache cannot be written due to a permissions  
> problem.
> Is someone here familiar enough with the API thing that Apple uses in  
> its implementation to suggest a plan of action for debugging this?

Are you using the PHP SAPI (server API) or CLI (commandline)?

You said "page" as in HTLM page so I will assume SAPI in which case I'm
confused for two reasons.

First, how you are calling Perl from within PHP?

Second how are you getting initial credentials? Is your web app
authenticating browser clients using Kerberos?


PS: The next revision of our product (see sig) will enable PHP to
directly perform a wide variety authentication, authorization and
account management tasks with both SAPI and CLI (e.g. do HTTP SSO and use
delegated cred with Kerberos aware clients like curl, ldap, pgsql, etc).

Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SSO
Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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