> Hi marcus,
> My getprinc for  HTTP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> kadmin.local:  getprinc  HTTP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Expiration date: [never]
> Last password change: Sun Feb 18 10:00:03 GMT 2007
> Password expiration date: [none]
> Maximum ticket life: 24855 days 03:14:07
> Maximum renewable life: 24855 days 03:14:07
> Last modified: Sun Feb 18 10:00:03 GMT 2007 (HTTP/[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Last successful authentication: [never]
> Last failed authentication: [never]
> Failed password attempts: 0
> Number of keys: 1
> Key: vno 6, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
> Attributes:
> Policy: [none]
> So can you please tell me where to find whether preauth has been turned off?

Your principal does NOT show "Attributes: REQUIRES_PRE_AUTH", so the
preauth bit is not turned on.
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