At 11:43 PM 2/19/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Is there a way to redirect stderr from kinit/klist to a file?

I think it is simply a bug in the prompter code.  I saw this problem a few 
years ago and was annoyed, and just worked without the error string by using...

      kinit username || (
           echo failed.
         exit /b 1

The double pipe means "on error" in Windows command shell.  This is the 
same as just reading the errorlevel code as a boolean (true/false).  You 
could do the opposite where "&&" means "on success"...

      kinit username && (
           echo Success.
         exit /b 0

I think it is a bug because there's nothing wrong with writing stderr to a 

The MIT people simply don't want you to be able to pipe in a password to 
kinit via "stdin", which is the right security practice (in security 
circles), however they are rather flippant about it, because they allow it 
under Unix.  If they feel like holding a hard line, then they should nix 
the 'nix stdin too.

Sorry Jeffrey, still rubbing it in.  ;-)


Rodney M. Dyer
Operations and Systems (Specialist)
Mosaic Computing Group
William States Lee College of Engineering
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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