> > <soapbox>
> > I realize that these sorts of password rules are often externally  
> > dictated,
> > but it's not clear to me (or many others) that they actually have a  
> > positive
> > effect on security).
> > </soapbox>

> <heckle>
> Let me know when you convince non-technical security auditors.
> </heckle>

Well, so far, we don't have any password lifetime or history policy.
One of the things I did was modify our KDC to collect statistics
on what kind of passwords that people choose.

   When it was 5 chars they mostly looked like:   aaaaa
   When it was 5 chars/2 classes they were:       aaaaa#   or aaaa#
   Now that it is 8/2 mostly they are:            aaaaaaa#

   Fact is, no matter what your passwords rules are,
   half the people or more will choose the weakest
   password allowed.  If we added lifetime I'm sure
   we'd just see 50% or our users change and change
   back.  if we added history, 50% or more would just
   do aaaaaaa1 aaaaaaa2 aaaaaaa3 ...
   I strongly suspect that the more onerous the rules,
   the higher the percentage doing stuff like this.
   And then we get into sticky notes...

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