Steven Miller wrote:
> > 
> > What could be the reason that I cannot telnet from
> > FreeBSD to Solaris 10
> > with the following error:
> > 
> > Connected to
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > [ Trying mutual KERBEROS5
> > (host/[EMAIL PROTECTED])... ]
> > [ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication because
> > Kerberos checksum verification failed: Bad
> > encryption type ]
> > [ Trying KERBEROS5
> > (host/[EMAIL PROTECTED])... ]
> > [ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication because
> > Kerberos checksum verification failed: Bad
> > encryption type ]
> > Password:
> I believe that solaris (as as solaris 9) only supports
> des-cbc-crc encrypion. 

Actually, there *is* a des-cbc-crc key in the keytab, why wouldn't it just 
use it?

# klist -e -k /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1 host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DES cbc mode with CRC-32)
   1 host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (etype 2)
   1 host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5)
   1 host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1)

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
Kerberos mailing list 

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